Research Article

Culture Shock: Experiences of Balochi Speakers Living in Karachi


  • Nayab Iqbal Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Kaukab Abid Azhar Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi, Pakistan


The study aims at finding out instances of culture shock among the Balochi speakers at the University of Karachi through conducting semi-structured interviews with 12 Balochi speakers. The research study is based upon ‘Qualitative Research Paradigm’ as it is exploratory in nature; therefore it helps to gain better insights into the subject. Causes of culture shock, phases of culture shock and the strategies adopted by the participants to overcome the challenge of culture shock are the focus of the study. The result reveals language problem, unhelpful nature of the local people, relationship with elders, independence enjoyed by girls, relationship between gender, co-education, lack of segregation between male and female in social gatherings, relationship between teachers and students and differences in the way of teaching to be the major cause of culture shock for the people belonging to the Balochistan Province. Learning Urdu and English language, maintaining group solidarity and mixing up with local people are some of the strategies used by the participants to overcome the problem of culture shock. Besides, the study reveals that participants have passed through the different phases of culture shock while adjusting themselves to the culture in Karachi. However, all the participants are now well adjusted to the life in Karachi despite all the problems that they have encountered during their initial days inKarachi.

Article information


Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

1 (2)





How to Cite

Iqbal, N. ., & Azhar, . K. A. . (2019). Culture Shock: Experiences of Balochi Speakers Living in Karachi. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics , 1(2), 23-31.







Culture Shock, Acculturation, Baloch, Balochi Speakers and Language Problems