Article contents
Entrepreneurship Education: A Pathway to Enhancing Employability within the Evolving Market Landscape
It has been established in the body of knowledge that a knowledge-based economy requires educational institutions to provide knowledge and to instill entrepreneurial intentions among its students and young graduates. Universities in the developed economy provide highly skilled and qualified human capital and help develop new ideas, innovation, and enterprising knowledge. A considerable number of high-ranked and well-rated universities and business schools have developed and run entrepreneurial programs (Babson, USA; Cranfield) despite the conventional approach adopted by the public and private providers of knowledge, entrepreneurship is stated as a priority in the Fifty Economic Plan (FEP) of the UAE. The entrepreneurial gap is partially responsible for the high unemployment rate in the Gulf, and the UAE is of no exception. Based on intensive review of the related body of knowledge and meaningful benchmarking, the paper has proposed an employable program along the way to transform business education to impactful and applied education.
Article information
Journal of Business and Management Studies
Volume (Issue)
7 (2)
Open access

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