Research Article

Human Resource Strategies, Productivity and Retention in Chinese Small-Medium Enterprises: Insights for Training Program



The relationship between HR strategy and its impact on employee turnover and productivity in SMEs is examined in this study. Although there is no concrete proof that HR strategy alignment with business objectives is related to productivity, the study's correlational, quantitative methodology shows that strategic HR activities, including employee engagement, performance review, and skill development, greatly increase productivity. Effective HR strategies lower turnover, including communication, career development, onboarding, and personnel acquisition. According to the findings, HR strategies should be in line with both company objectives and employees’ needs to improve performance and retention. The suggestions place a strong emphasis on talent development, open communication, and HR procedures that are retention-focused to promote organizational success.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (6)





How to Cite

Paulino, E., Boquila, L.-R., Basa, G. M., & Mazo, P. N. (2024). Human Resource Strategies, Productivity and Retention in Chinese Small-Medium Enterprises: Insights for Training Program. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 6(6), 274-285.


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Human Resource, Employee Productivity, Employee Turnover, China, SMEs