Research Article

Communication Catalysts: How Personal Ties Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency


  • Sara Talbi Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Business Engineering, Soft Skills, Management, and Law, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences, Ain Sbaa, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Sofia Achour Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Business Engineering, Soft Skills, Management, and Law, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences, Ain Sbaa, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Badra ABKARY Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Business Engineering, Soft Skills, Management, and Law, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences, Ain Sbaa, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco


The role of communication is crucial for the longevity of businesses and contributes to the integration of the supply chain. While the significance of inter-organizational communication within this chain is widely acknowledged in the literature, there are still gaps in understanding the impact of personal ties among employees on these communications. This study specifically addresses a gap concerning the insufficient exploration of the role of personal ties outside the professional environment, with a particular focus on friendships among employees of partner companies within the supply chain and their influence on company-related communication processes. Through semi-structured interviews and employing the grounded theory method, this research identifies four emerging aspects of the processes, highlighting the facilitating role of personal ties in professional exchanges. The findings allow for the development of a preliminary theory on the interaction between personal social networks and inter-organizational communication within the supply chain, thereby paving the way for significant implications for future research.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (2)





How to Cite

Talbi, S., Achour, S., & ABKARY, B. (2024). Communication Catalysts: How Personal Ties Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 6(2), 17-31.







Inter-organizational communication, Supply chain, Personal ties, Grounded theory