Research Article

Research Trend in Supply Chain Financing


  • Zaenal Abidin Ahmad Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • M. Farid Wajdi Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta
  • Imronudin Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta
  • Muhammad Sholahuddin Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta


Supply chain finance (SCF) is one of the effective methods to reduce costs for company financing and enhance the effectiveness of such financing. The purpose of this research is to highlight the gaps and insights in Supply Chain Financing (SCF) literature and to identify the development trends of supply chain financing (SCF) research through journals or articles published by leading journals. Data Processing Using Bibliometric Method through Bibliographic Information from Scopus for the Topic of Supply Chain Financing. The research adopts a quantitative approach. This quantitative approach is utilized to analyze journals or articles published from 2000 to 2022. Meanwhile, the mapping system uses VOS viewer and biblioshiny. Through this bibliometric analysis, data and visualization of research data trends are obtained. The process consists of four steps: (1) defining search keywords; (2) initializing search results; (3) refining search results; and (4) compiling initial statistical data and analyzing the data. The research findings are expected to provide a stronger roadmap for further research in this field. By utilizing bibliometric analysis, the following data and visualization of research trends are obtained: (1) SCF research within the timeframe of 2000 – 2020 experienced a significant increase starting from the year 2018; (2) Yan N is the most effective author in this topic; (3) China is the country that contributes the most to this research topic; (4) The International Journal of Supply Chain Management is the journal that publishes the most articles on the SCF theme. Furthermore, the research findings on the SCF topic reveal a depiction that this financing model (SCF) is also implemented by Sharia-based banks (MURABAHAH SCF). Thus, it can be ensured that competition will arise between the conventional bank SCF model and the SCF from Sharia banks. Potential topics in future research on supply chain performance or supply chain coordination will be more interesting to research.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (5)





How to Cite

Zaenal Abidin Ahmad, M. Farid Wajdi, Imronudin, & Muhammad Sholahuddin. (2023). Research Trend in Supply Chain Financing. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(5), 24-37.







supply chain, supply chain management, supply chain financing, Bibliometric analysis, Vos viewer