Research Article

The Influence of Brand Recognition and Benefits on Consumer Relationship Quality: A Case Study of Habib Gulzar's Food Products


  • Abdul Khalil Bizhan Parsa Senior Teaching Assistant, Agriculture faculty, Kunduz University
  • Ghulam Rasoul Fazli Associate Professor, Agriculture faculty, Kunduz University
  • Sebghatullah Rashid Rasoli Senior Teaching Assistant, Agriculture faculty, Kunduz University


In this research, we investigated the impact of brand recognition and benefits on the quality of consumer relationships, specifically focusing on consumers of Habib Gulzar's food products. The study was conducted using a sample size of approximately 384 people, determined through Cochran's formula for unknown population size. Data were collected through a standard questionnaire utilizing a stratified random sampling method. The validity of variables and resulting indicators were assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, and the research hypotheses were tested using a structural equation model. The findings indicated that brand recognition and benefits had a positive and direct influence on customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment. However, the effect of customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment on customer loyalty was found to be inconclusive.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (6)





How to Cite

Bizhan Parsa, A. K., Fazli, G. R., & Rashid Rasoli, S. (2023). The Influence of Brand Recognition and Benefits on Consumer Relationship Quality: A Case Study of Habib Gulzar’s Food Products. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(6), 102–114.



Brand Recognition, Brand Benefits, Customer satisfaction, Consumers’ trust, Customer loyalty, customer commitmemt