Research Article

Unexpected Heroes: How People in Addiction Recovery can Help Solve the Crisis of the Great Resignation



The Great Resignation has left many businesses searching for answers to help stabilize a dramatic loss in their workforce. This downward trend is resulting in increased turnover rates, loss of valuable institutional knowledge and threatens to diminish overall operational effectiveness. This article assesses how people in recovery from substance use disorder can help stabilize and strengthen workplace cultures and empower organizations to advance forward in a more cohesive, effective, and sustainable way. People in recovery from addiction often demonstrate high levels of gratitude and resiliency, which result in increased loyalty and commitment to employers. This phenomenon can not only lower employee turnover but also create a workplace culture that is appreciative, supportive, and collaborative. Employers can respond positively to the Great Resignation by hiring transformational and authentic leaders that are in recovery. This approach would not only help improve turnover rates but also cultivate a workplace culture that can thrive in times of uncertainty.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Roop, J. (2022). Unexpected Heroes: How People in Addiction Recovery can Help Solve the Crisis of the Great Resignation. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4(3), 141–145.



Transformational Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Substance Use Disorder, Addiction, The Great Resignation, Gratitude, Resiliency, Recovery