Research Article

Analyzing the Effect of the Product, Price Perception, and Promotion on Customer Loyalty to the Product of PT. EBARA Indonesia with Repurchase Intention


  • Andreas Natanael Universitas Mercubuana, Indonesia
  • Syafrizal Chan Universitas Mercubuana, Indonesia


This study aimed to analyze the effect of the product, price perception, and promotion on customer loyalty to the product of PT. EBARA Indonesia with repurchase intention as an Intervening Variable. The number of research respondents was 137 respondents. The approach used in this research is quantitative. The data used in this study are primary data from the results of filling out the questionnaire. The data resulting from the filling was then analyzed through the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis technique with the help of the SmartPLS program. Following the results of the analysis, it can be concluded: (: (1) PT. EBARA Indonesia's products have a positive and significant effect on consumer repurchase intention with a coefficient; (2) The price perception of PT. EBARA Indonesia's products have a positive and significant effect on consumer repurchase intention; (3) Product promotion of PT. EBARA Indonesia has a positive and significant effect on consumer repurchase intention; (4) Repurchase intention products of PT. EBARA Indonesia has a positive and significant effect on consumer customer loyalty (5) Products of PT. EBARA Indonesia has a positive and insignificant effect on consumer customer loyalty ; (6) The price perception of PT. EBARA Indonesia's product has a positive and insignificant effect on consumer customer loyalty; (7) Product promotion of PT. EBARA Indonesia has a positive and insignificant effect on consumer customer loyalty; (8) PT. EBARA Indonesia's product has positive and negative effects. Significant impact on consumer customer loyalty through repurchase intention; (9) PT. EBARA Indonesia's product prices have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through consumer repurchase intention; (10) Promotion of PT. EBARA Indonesia has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through consumer repurchase intention.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Natanael, A. ., & Chan, S. . (2021). Analyzing the Effect of the Product, Price Perception, and Promotion on Customer Loyalty to the Product of PT. EBARA Indonesia with Repurchase Intention. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 55-67.







Price perception, promotion, customer loyalty, repurchase intention