Research Article

Translation Studies in the Era of AI: Characteristics, Fields and Significance


  • Kaifang Fan Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Suqian University, Suqian, China
  • Wang Chunlei Profesor, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, School of Foreign Languages, Suqian University, Suqian, China


With the development of artificial intelligence in translation research, it is possible to form a new perspective on translation studies, which is translation studies from the perspective of artificial intelligence. Translation studies from the perspective of artificial intelligence are fundamentally based on artificial intelligence and are characterized by intelligence, situationality, and integration. The research fields of translation studies from the perspective of artificial intelligence mainly include the study of translation product quality and effectiveness, the study of translation processes, and the study of translation teaching. The emergence of translation studies from the perspective of artificial intelligence not only promotes a rethinking of theoretical models in translation research but also advances the transformation of research methods, expanding and deepening the contents of translation teaching. The emergence of translation studies from the perspective of artificial intelligence not only promotes a rethinking of theoretical models in translation research but also advances the transformation of research methods, expanding and deepening the contents of translation research.

Article information


International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (4)





How to Cite

Fan, K., & Chunlei, W. (2023). Translation Studies in the Era of AI: Characteristics, Fields and Significance. International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies, 3(4), 58–67.
