Research Article

Discursive Strategies in Senegalese Rap: The Case of Y En a Marre


  • MameSémou NDIAYE A PhD student at ECOLE DOCTORALE ARTS, CULTURE ET CIVILISATION (ED - ARCIV). University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal



The present paper deals with discursive strategies in Y en a marre rap texts. These rappers use a certain argumentation which justifies the validity of their discourse. The study aims at analyzing discursive strategies to understand the pragmatic aims. The study involved a sample of twelve politicalsongs which were released throughout a period starting from 2011 to 2013. Itsresults revealed that the discursive strategies used by the rapper are mainly rhetorical figures and ungrammatical sstructures. However, these rhetorical figures have a persuasive force aiming the adhesion of the audience andthrough which the rapper is as well denouncing, sabotaging and dramatizing the politician or the political system. As for the use of ungrammatical structures, it is just a way of communicating but the importance focuses on a message to convey. Thus, these results enable to highlight the intentions of the rapper in his/her discourse.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

1 (3)





How to Cite

NDIAYE, M. . (2018). Discursive Strategies in Senegalese Rap: The Case of Y En a Marre. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 1(3), 51–57. Retrieved from



Rap, Y en a marre, discourse, Senegal, strategy.