Research Article

Investigating the Influence of Cultural Background Knowledge on Reading Ability among Arabic Speaking EFL Learners in a Saudi College


  • Afsha Jamal Department of English, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University, Wadi Aldwasir, Saudi Arabia
  • Munerah Ayedh Department of English, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University, Wadi Aldwasir, Saudi Arabia
  • Sarah Fahid Department of English, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University, Wadi Aldwasir, Saudi Arabia
  • Shada Mohammed Department of English, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University, Wadi Aldwasir, Saudi Arabia
  • Sarah Hamad Department of English, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University, Wadi Aldwasir, Saudi Arabia


Reading skills are the most prominent skills in language learning, particularly in foreign language learning (FLL). It is one of the essential elements in language learning that needs mastery to grasp the required comprehension. Prior knowledge and cultural background greatly influence comprehension processes. Students may comprehend information better when they are culturally familiar with the information. With this assumption, the present study investigates the impact of cultural background knowledge on reading ability among English as Foreign Language Learners (EFLL). The study adopts an experimental hypothesis-testing method between two groups of students-control and the testing group. The research adopts Schema Theory and its role in easing reading comprehension among the target EFL learners. The participants belong to the entry level in a Saudi college at Wadi Addawasir. The control group of students is given a comprehension passage based on foreign culture, while the testing group is given an Arabic culture-based passage. The results reveal that the testing group of students performs better than the control group of students. Therefore, the study concludes by recommending the introduction of course books with cultural background information among the students from Applied College at Wadi Addawaser affiliated with Prince Sattam Bin AbdulAziz University.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (6)





How to Cite

Afsha Jamal, Munerah Ayedh, Sarah Fahid, & Shada Mohammed. (2024). Investigating the Influence of Cultural Background Knowledge on Reading Ability among Arabic Speaking EFL Learners in a Saudi College. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(6), 111-125.







Reading Skills Foreign Language Learning (FLL) English as a Foreign Language Learners (EFLL); Schemata Theory; Testing method…