Research Article

Terminological Challenges in the Translation of Legal Documents in Fɔngbè, a Kwa Language of Benin


  • Nonhouégnon Richard HOUNSOSSOU Doctorant à l’Ecole Doctorale Pluridisciplinaire « Espaces, Cultures et Développement -Université d’Abomey-Calavi 2Enseignant-chercheur à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi
  • Charles Dossou LIGAN Enseignant-chercheur à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi


Legal translation is a delicate exercise that requires competence and skill from the translator. Translation errors in legal documents can have serious consequences for the enforcement of rights and duties of the parties involved. Addressing terminological challenges in translating legal texts into Fɔngbe, this work relies on E. Nida's translation theory (1964). It is based on terminological problems identified in the translated version of Law No. 2018-17 of July 25, 2018, related to combating money laundering and terrorist financing in the Republic of Benin. The study analyzes 53 identified and examined terms, comparing their translated meanings with the original senses in the source document. Data analysis revealed an 18% inappropriate translation of legal terms in the text used for the study.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (5)





How to Cite

HOUNSOSSOU, N. R., & LIGAN, C. D. (2024). Terminological Challenges in the Translation of Legal Documents in Fɔngbè, a Kwa Language of Benin. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(5), 110–119.



Translation, terminological challenges, legal documents, Fɔngbe, Benin.