Research Article

Translation Technique of “Red Herring” as a Conversation Topic Change in Big Little Lies Novel by Liane Moriarty


  • Gandis Octya Prihartanti Student, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
  • M. R. Nababan Lecturer, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
  • Djatmika Lecturer, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia


Through this paper, the authors expose “Red Herring” as a kind of logical fallacy used to change conversation topic caused by sensitive topics that attack someone’s face. The authors choose qualitative research design since format data is presented by words. Thus, the utterances in Big Little Lies novel by Liane Moriarty are selected as data. To collect the data, the authors applied a documentary study  which covers document analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD is done  by raters who have capability  of translation studies and linguistics whose role is to recognize translation technique and assess translation qualities as well. There are 10 translation techniques that are used for “Red Herring.” Moreover, after the calculation, the results for translation qualities are as follows 2.96 (accuracy), 2.88 (acceptability), and 2.92 (readability). The translation technique that affects Red Herring’s quality score of accuracy is literal. Meanwhile, borrowing translation technique affects the acceptability and readability score. Although there are translation aspects  whose scores are reduced due to translation techniques, its quality is still relatively good. It is because of the majority of translation techniques which are used do not have this impact.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (10)





How to Cite

Prihartanti, G. O. ., M. R. Nababan, & Djatmika. (2020). Translation Technique of “Red Herring” as a Conversation Topic Change in Big Little Lies Novel by Liane Moriarty. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(10), 201-211.







Red herring, conversation topic, face threatening act, face saving act, translation