Article contents
Violence against Blue-Eyed Women in the Novel Nyutrayu by Joko Gesang Santoso
This research aims to determine the form of violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character in the novel Nyutrayu by Joko Gesang Santoso. Researchers use feminist literary criticism theory. The data source for this research was obtained from a quote from the novel Nyutrayu, which describes the violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character. The data collection process uses data collection techniques through literature study, reading techniques, and note-taking techniques. The literature study technique is carried out by collecting, reading and studying books on feminist literary criticism theory; the reading technique is carried out repeatedly in the novel Nyutrayu, and the note-taking technique is to record quotes that show data in the form of violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character. Next, data validity techniques are carried out using validity tests and reliability tests. The validity test is carried out by interpreting the data based on the problem formulation and in accordance with feminist literary criticism. Meanwhile, the reliability test was carried out by repeatedly reading the novel Nyutrayu by Joko Gesang Santoso and discussing it with colleagues. The data analysis technique is carried out in three stages. First is data reduction, namely data collected and grouped according to the problem formulation. The second is data presentation, namely grouping data into data cards. Third, conclusions and verification are drawn, namely the final conclusion of the data, which is temporary and can change if evidence is found to support the data collection stage. The results of the research show that 1) the physical violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character was in the form of being killed by a group of men, being hit with a broom handle, and being injured by village youths using a machete. 2) psychological violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character in the form of being stalked by villagers, being accused of being a witch, and being threatened with death. And 3) sexual violence experienced by the blue-eyed female character in the form of sexual harassment and rape.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
7 (6)
Copyright (c) 2024 Midle Line Krismonsari, Wiyatmi
Open access

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