Research Article

A Historical-critical Study of the First Latin Translation of the Holy Quran


  • Fuad Abdul Muttalib English Language & Literature Dept., Faculty of Arts, Jerash University, Jordan
  • Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh English Language & Literature Dept., Faculty of Arts, Jerash University, Jordan
  • Haitham Al-Yousuf English Language & Literature Dept., Faculty of Arts, Jerash University, Jordan
  • Ashraf Waleed Mansour English Language & Literature Dept., Faculty of Arts, Jerash University, Jordan


The Benedictine abbot Peter the Venerable started an effort to study the Holy Quran in the years 1141 and 1142 when he was staying at the Abbey of Cluny. Robert of Ketton was one of the groups he assembled to translate the Islamic scripture. The goal of this campaign was to introduce Islam, which by that time had become a significant political force, to Western Christians. The ultimate objective was to aid missionaries who were trying to convert the people in areas that Christians had recaptured. Based on predetermined goals and duties, the translation was pursued. This essay seeks to shed light on the details of this translation, one of the first in Europe, which was done by individuals with little to no knowledge of Islam, misinterpreting the identities and attitudes of its adherents and acting on false ideological assumptions in order to further their own and their sponsors’ goals. A descriptive critical review is used in this work to illuminate the historical background that contributes to the understanding of the underlying problem. We take into account several viewpoints, most notably James Kritzeck’s, whose critiques aid in clarifying the translation process, and strive to reach a fair conclusion regarding it. Analyzing the translation alone, from a linguistic and cultural perspective, is another important consideration. By providing a critical-historical analysis of the setting, this initiative hopes to make translators and other interested parties aware of the project’s limitations. We defer verification and responses to subject-matter specialists since understanding the goals of this complex endeavor takes specialized knowledge, sufficient time, and consistent effort.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (1)





How to Cite

Abdul Muttalib, F., Hawamdeh, M. A., Al-Yousuf, H., & Mansour, A. W. (2024). A Historical-critical Study of the First Latin Translation of the Holy Quran. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(1), 183-190.







Latin translation, the Holy Quran, Peter the Venerable, Robert of Ketton, translating provisions, Orientalism, Crusades.