Research Article

Tautology in Action: A Study Investigating Arabic Tautological Expressions with Reference to their Translations into English


  • Hana Balhouq Department of English, University of Tripoli, Libya
  • Hamza Ethelb Department of Translation, University of Tripoli, Libya


This research explores the way Arabic tautological expressions are used and translated into English. It aims to highlight the linguistic intricacies underlying their usage in cross-cultural contexts. The data of the study was qualitatively collected by analyzing the translation, structure (syntactically) and meaning (semantically) of 11 Arabic tautological expressions. Those expressions were collected by using a systematic search method to identify posts and comments containing tautological expressions in several social media platforms known for their active Arabic-speaking user base. The findings of the analysis reveal that those tautological expressions in Arabic follow the verb-adverb structure where the verb is followed by an adverb with the same root as the verb in action. Furthermore, translating those expressions depends on various factors, including the specific context, target audience, and desired effect to convey the intended message and cultural implications. The translators need to consider the linguistic and cultural nuances to ensure that the translated expression captures the intended meaning in English.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

6 (12)





How to Cite

Balhouq, H., & Ethelb, H. (2023). Tautology in Action: A Study Investigating Arabic Tautological Expressions with Reference to their Translations into English. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(12), 53–60.



Tautology, tautological expressions, Arabic-English translation, discourse.