Research Article

The Commodification of Women's Bodies in the Novel Maysuri by Nadjib Kartapati Z.: Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis


  • Navira Aina Izzati Postgraduate Student, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Kastam Syamsi Postgraduate Lecturer, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


This study aims to reveal and describe the commodification of the woman's body in the novel Maysuri by Nadjib Kartapati Z. This research is qualitative research using Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis. This study observes subjects-objects and readers using reading and note-taking techniques. The research instrument is a human instrument. The data analysis technique was carried out using Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis. This research is centered on the female character in the Maysuri novel, namely Suryani. The results showed that 3 characters occupy the subject positions, 11 characters occupy the position of the object, and the reader's position consists of 11 data. These positions are divided into four discussions, namely commodification of the woman's body, economy and money politics, body control, and women's bodily autonomy.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

6 (8)





How to Cite

Izzati, N. A., & Syamsi, K. (2023). The Commodification of Women’s Bodies in the Novel Maysuri by Nadjib Kartapati Z.: Sara Mills’ Critical Discourse Analysis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(8), 73–84.



Commodification, critical discourse, feminist