Research Article

How does the Mass Media Represent the Concept of Electric Vehicles?



The number of electric vehicle sales has been increasing rapidly since 2015. This marketing success is inseparable from the role of the mass media in promoting and campaigning for the use of such vehicles. This study attempts to investigate how the mass media represents the concept of electric vehicles through its campaign and promotion discourses. Using a descriptive qualitative method with the interpretation technique, this study analyzed 20 texts collected from electric vehicle campaigns and promotion discourses produced by the mass media. The data was analyzed from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective based on Hall's theory of representation and Fowler's theory of linguistic tools. This process resulted in 177 words, phrases, and clauses that represent the concept of electric vehicles. The results of this study reveal 4 (four) important representations of electric vehicles from the eye of the mass media; (1) electric vehicles are environmentally friendly, (2) electric vehicles are technologically advanced, (3) electric vehicles are economical, and (4) electric vehicles are a growing innovation. The results of this study are expected to bring both theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, they add to the knowledge in the realm of Critical Discourse Analysis, especially regarding representation. Meanwhile, practically, the results of this study are beneficial for mass media practitioners to be used as a model to construct campaign and advertisement languages that are able to attract audience attention as well as influence people's ideology.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

6 (8)





How to Cite

Zewitra, Z., Bakhti, K. Y., & Nugraha, D. G. (2023). How does the Mass Media Represent the Concept of Electric Vehicles?. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(8), 37-44.







Electric Vehicle, Representation, Discourse, Mass Media, Campaign