Research Article

Investigating the Significance and Benefits of Incorporating Innovative Educational Technology in Teaching the English Language to Saudi Learners at the Tertiary Level: The University Faculty's Perspectives


  • Eman Mahmoud Ibrahim Alian Department of English, Faculty of Languages & Translation, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, and Zagazig University, Egypt
  • Ali Albashir Mohammed Alhaj College of Sciences and Arts. Dhahran Aljanoub, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The significance and advantages of utilizing innovative educational technology gadgets in the classroom have become a source of research interest in current years. This study pursues to explore King Khalid University's staff members'  perspectives on the significance and benefits of incorporating innovative educational technology in teaching the English language to Saudi learners at the tertiary level. This research arrogates the descriptive-analytical approach. Moreover, the theoretical framework of the study was a questionnaire prepared by the two researchers to get information and was applied to fifty-two selected King Khalid University staff members in the Asir region to get their perspectives on the significance and benefits of incorporating innovative educational technology in teaching the English language to Saudi learners at the tertiary level, their groundwork to integrate technology, the types of technology employed and the challenges they encountered in incorporating technology. The results indicate that most of King Khalid University's staff members had positive perspectives on the significance and benefits of incorporating innovative educational technology in teaching the English language. The study results have pedagogical implications and some recommendations for strategies and instructions for further investigations and facilitating the utilization of technology in teaching and learning.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

6 (1)





How to Cite

Alian, E. M. I., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2023). Investigating the Significance and Benefits of Incorporating Innovative Educational Technology in Teaching the English Language to Saudi Learners at the Tertiary Level: The University Faculty’s Perspectives. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(1), 170–179.



Educational Technology; EFL Saudi learners. Investigating; Incorporating; Innovative Teaching, Significance, and Benefits.