Research Article

The Student Team Achievement Division Cooperative Learning for Students: Application of Mandarin Language


  • Sabar Manik Indonesian Language Education Study Program of STKIP Riama Medan, Indonesia
  • Rostina Management Study Program of STIE IBBI Medan, Indonesia
  • Normina Purba Indonesian Language Education Study Program of STKIP Riama Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to know the development of comprehension on students' learning and students' learning activities on the application of Mandarin language after applying the cooperative learning model of the Student Team Achievement Division toward students. This research was a classroom action research in two cycles. The data was processed by being described as a percentage using the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) reference. The results of the study show; 1) students' understanding increases by applying the cooperative learning model of the student team achievement division in Formative I and Formative II showing an average of 68 and 82, from the data it shows the complete compliance of KKM by the classical completeness of 46% and 86% or the classical completeness achieved at Cycle II with an increase in the classical completeness by 40%; 2) the student learning activities are increased by applying the cooperative learning model of student team achievement division in Cycle I, including writing and reading 37%, working on 33% LKS, asking fellow friends 17%, asking teachers 7%, and the non-activity teaching learning 6%. Meanwhile, the Cycle II includes writing and reading 36%, working on LKS 36%, asking fellow friends 21%, asking the teacher 4%, and which is not relevant to those that are not relevant to teaching and learning activities 3%.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

The Student Team Achievement Division Cooperative Learning for Students: Application of Mandarin Language. (2019). International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(6), 173-180.



Comprehension, ent Team Achievement Division