Research Article

Sport Terms Borrowed from Different Languages into Uzbek Language


  • Ayaqulov Nurbek Abdugappar o’g’li PhD Student of Uzbek State World Languages University, Uzbekistan


Sports are of interest even to those who have traditionally tended to be just a casual spectator. Sport becomes a necessary part of our lifestyle under the impact of mass culture and clothing. Sport words go far beyond definitions of theoretical or technical expertise relevant only to a given industry. They are gradually connected with the idea of "healthy lifestyle" in the context of modern knowledge about an individual. Possession of sporting language and jargon is one of the prerequisites of improving a native speaker's communication skills. The object of this article seems important to us in this regard. The purpose of the research is to examine the composition and definition of the sport-related terminology, words, phraseological units that function in modern linguistics. In the research, analysis techniques, definition, generalization, systematization, and numerical approach have been used. We identified: sport words, word blends, terminology from various fields of knowledge (used as sports), neologisms, professionalisms and formal vocabulary, tracking articles and metaphors in the course of studying journalistic texts on sport topics. Terms are the foundation of sport terminology. The following forms of terminology are differentiated in the work: general sports (competition)-2 units, simple (position)-3 units, highly specialized (springboard, gates)-6 units. Another outcome of our analysis of sports terminology was the grouping of chosen units in keeping with the source language. Classification is the division of selected units into groups according to the language from which the word is borrowed. There are eight such groups in our work. Based on our research, we found that in the texts from newspapers and internet sources of sports subjects borrowings from the English language (time) prevail - 65 units, less often there are units borrowed from Japanese (tatami) - 8 units, French (car, springboard) - 9 units and German languages (puck, tournament) - 5 units. Smaller borrowing groups are represented by units that call sports, sports techniques, names of actions, equipment, maintenance personnel, etc., who came to Uzbek from Korean (Taekwondo) - 1 unit, Chinese (Wushu) - 2 units, Spanish (Sambo) - 1 unit, Italian (trampoline) - 2 unit.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

o’g’li , A. N. A. . (2019). Sport Terms Borrowed from Different Languages into Uzbek Language. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(6), 159-166.







Terminology, phraseological unit, neologisms, generalization, systematization, tatami, jargon, sambo, penalty, goalkeeper, derivation, borrowing