Research Article

The Translation and Analysis of Expansion (Indonesian- English): A Descriptive-Analytical Study


  • Firmansyah Master Program of English Literature, Gunadarma University, Indonesia
  • Ni Luh Putu Setiarini Master Program of English Literature, Gunadarma University, Indonesia


This study highlighted the translation of Indonesian to English expansion. There are some of the problems in question: what principles, strategies, and relevant theories are used by the translator in translating Indonesian to English expansion and also the type of expansion that occurs. The research used a mixed-type technique, namely qualitative and quantitative. Through all 25 data analyzed, the researchers concluded that: a) based on the analysis, it is found that there are principles of translation by Allan Duff employed. There are 14 data that used the principles of translation: meaning, 4 data used the principles of translation: style and clarity, 2 data used the principles of translation: Source language influence and 5 data used the principles of translation: idiom. b) based on the analysis, it is found that there are several strategies employed. They are syntactic strategies (10 data) which consist of Unit shift (8 data), Clause structure change (1 data), and transposition (1 data); semantic strategies (11 data), which consist of Distribution change (3 data), Antonym (1 data), Synonymy (1 data), abstraction change (2 data) and trope change (4 data); the last is pragmatic strategies (4 data), which consist of Interpersonal change (1 data), explicitness change (2 data) and emphasis change (1 data). Based on the analysis, it is found that there are types of expansion from Nida and Tabber (1982) that occur. The Lexical Expansion: Descriptive substitutes (5 data), Lexical Expansion: Semantic restructuring (12 data), Syntactic Expansion: Identification of The Participants (2 data), Syntactic Expansion: identification of objects or events with abstracts (2 data), Syntactic Expansion: More Explicit Indication of Relational (4 data).

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

6 (2)





How to Cite

Firmansyah, & Setiarini, N. L. P. (2023). The Translation and Analysis of Expansion (Indonesian- English): A Descriptive-Analytical Study. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(2), 170-177.



