Research Article

Attitude Conception: The Role of Blended Learning in Environmental Education


  • Eisha Jamila Q. Ikhwan Applied Linguistics Department, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Pratomo Widodo Applied Linguistics Department, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


Technology transition stage in 21st century try to reach the goal of elaborate the educational quality for knowledge transfer in learning process. Blended learning is interest variety of technologies utilization that combined from face-to-face learning and E-learning process.  This study intends to convey the role of blended learning based on teacher’s perception with respect to attitude conception. The student attitude is the major affective factor to language instruction and become a predictor of successful language learners. Therefore, the presence of blended learning was providing opportunities for students to independently hold control of achieving the learning goals. Data was gained from 68 students and teachers as the fundamental facilitators or as the main controlled of attitude process in students by applying blended learning and students as a subject of instructional process. The data gained was analyzed qualitatively that create from observation and interview. The results of study were [1] blended learning is more appropriate than traditional learning, [2] percentages of blended learning for environmental education is frequently occurring on Self-Paced Learning which obtained 41% , and [3] the role of blended learning seen from attitude conception that found on the students integrative motivation, instrument motivation, and attitude toward the environmental education. Thus, this study suggested controlled teacher’s perception for teaching that might help students for instructional technology skill by attitude from role of blended learning on preparing suitable digital literacy.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

Ikhwan, E. J. Q., & Widodo, P. . (2019). Attitude Conception: The Role of Blended Learning in Environmental Education. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(6), 53-62.


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Blended Learning, Traditional Learning, Attitude, Environmental Education