Research Article

Effectiveness of Explicit Communicative Instruction on Improving Palestinian English Majors' Grammaring of Conditionals


  • Zulfa Bader Eddeen Faculty of education, University of Palestine, Gaza City, Palestine


The current study seeks to investigate the impact of integrating explicit instruction and communicative language activities (implicit teaching) on improving Palestinian English majors' grammaring (form, meaning, and use) of conditionals. The study adopted the experimental approach. Thus, thirty-two English majors from the University of Palestine in Gaza city were assigned as the participants. For intervention, eight sessions of one hour and a half each were conducted to provide explicit communicative instruction on conditionals for the target participants. The participants were exposed to a pre-posttest to collect data related to their efficiency at conditionals. The result showed that the participants' scores in the posttest outperformed the results of the pretest. The statistically recorded positive results confirmed the effectiveness of explicit communicative instruction on improving Palestinian English majors' grammaring of conditionals. The researcher has concluded that grammar explicit communicative instruction is of paramount importance that can improve grammar learning in its three dimensions; form, meaning, and use.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (11)





How to Cite

Bader Eddeen, Z. (2022). Effectiveness of Explicit Communicative Instruction on Improving Palestinian English Majors’ Grammaring of Conditionals. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(11), 134–154.



Explicit instruction; implicit communicative instruction, grammaring, conditionals