Research Article

Receiving Media Discourse Translation


  • Assia BENNOUI PhD. Student in Translation Didactics, University of Algiers 2, Algeria
  • Yasmine KELLOU Associate Professor in Translation, University of Algiers 2, Algeria


The objective of this paper is to highlight how one translation of a media discourse can affect people’s thoughts and attitudes. One media discourse can be translated in different ways carrying different ideologies and messages, serving the translator’s objectives for which the translation receiver constitutes, in most of times, a main target to manipulate. Nowadays, the translation receiver is subject to various studies that are undertaken for the purpose of controlling their behavior and reactions with words, whether to lead or mislead them, emphasizing the power of language considering translation a double-edged weapon when dealt with media field. This study consists in spotting the main influencing factors that are present in one translation, addressing a specific targeted receiver and underlying how they affect them afterwards. We will try to answer some main questions as to what extent translation is able to affect peoples’ attitudes and thoughts. How was it used as an ideology vehicle in media field? How does word have the power for change? Is manipulation through translation ethically condemned or is it allowed when complying with a specific strategy and purposes of the translation’s sending organization? While some researchers relate this action to infidelity to the original, it is seen in this study from another perspective which is manipulation and how words serve this objective powerfully.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (4)





How to Cite

BENNOUI, A. ., & KELLOU, Y. . (2020). Receiving Media Discourse Translation. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(4), 18-25.







Media discourse, manipulation, translation receiver, ideology, medium organization policy, power of the word