Article contents
Translation of the Book titled “Authentication of Hadith: Redefining the Criteria” from English into Swahili: An Analysis of Translation Procedures
This article aimed at identifying dominant translation procedures applied in the translation of the book titled “Authentication of Hadith: Redefining the criteria” from English into Swahili. Using descriptive qualitative method and content analysis, the data of the study was analyzed to achieve the stated aim. The research primarily attempted to seek answer to research question, what was the dominant translation procedure applied in the translation of “Authentication of Hadith: Redefining the criteria” from English into Swahili? The data included 158 phrases. Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedure was used for identifying the procedure applied. The results of the study showed that the translator used six translation procedures, 48 included borrowing translation procedure, 5 calque, 7 literal translation, 36 equivalence, 1 adaptation and 61 transposition. Though the study focused on the Islamic text but the findings of this research will be helpful to Swahili translators and can be applied to other texts.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
2 (4)
Open access

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