Research Article

Meaning Relationships in the Definitions of the Big Indonesian Dictionary


  • Retna Isti Pratiwi Postgraduate Student, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Teguh Setiawan Postgraduate Lecturer, Faculty of Language and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


The dictionary is an important reference source for finding the meaning of a word. The dictionary presents not only denotative meanings but also displays contextual meanings. This study aims to describe the macrostructure of the lemma in the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the subject of the Big Indonesian Dictionary. The object of research is the lemma in the dictionary. The data is selected and recorded in the data card and then identified based on the macrostructure of the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning to the definition of the lemma and between the entries. This study uses two approaches, namely the lexicographic approach and the semantic approach. The lexicographic approach was used to analyze the data based on the macrostructure and the lemma definition model. The semantic approach is used to determine the analysis of meaning based on the characteristics of the meaning relations of synonyms, polysemy, antonyms, opinions, meronyms, and homonyms. The results of this study found that the arrangement of the word combinations and sub-lemmas in the dictionary was ordered alphabetically, while the arrangement of the rephrasing and affixation sub-elements was ordered by the morphological process. The definition of a lemma uses the definition of synonyms, synonymous phrases, negation phrases with synonyms, phrases with adverbs, differential genus, differential genus + synonyms, synonyms + Differential Genus, and context definitions. The meaning relations that appear in the definition of lemma are synonyms, polysemy, antonyms, homonyms, and meronyms. The meaning relation that appears in the relationship between the entries is a homonym.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (7)





How to Cite

Pratiwi, R. I., & Setiawan, T. (2022). Meaning Relationships in the Definitions of the Big Indonesian Dictionary. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(7), 121-131.



