Research Article

Word formation of Police Lexicon in Albanian Language


  • Shemsi Haziri Department of Albanian Language, University of Pristina, Kosovo


In this paper I will attempt to explain in details the manner of word formation of police lexicon in Albanian language, which is mainly performed through affixation, prefixation, suffixation and compositions. In the study of police lexicon in Albanian language it was used necessary literature related to the police activities area in Kosovo and Albania in order to have sufficient material for gathering police lexicon. Furthermore, with the aim of increasing knowledge on police lexicon in international level, there were used also two world police encyclopedias (Kurian: 2007; Greene: 2007), which were useful to have deeper insight into global level of police lexicon. In regards to the theoretical aspect, I have used local and international literature in the field of lexicology in general. For identification of police lexicon in Albanian language I have used the methodology of selection of such lexicon from existing dictionaries of Albanian language, with special focus on “Dictionary of Synonyms in Albanian Language” 2005) and “Dictionary of Albanian Language” (2006), but there were used also other dictionaries from the field of criminalistics, Justice, etc. Besides elaboration of manner of word formation through grammatical forms, there will be explained also denomination of police terminology in Albanian language based on: ranks, positions, police functions, etc. In order to give an overall overview of manner of word formation of police lexicon in Albanian language, we will provide some examples of police lexicon according to alphabetic order in Albanian language, through prefixation, suffixation and compositions.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (7)





How to Cite

Haziri, S. . (2019). Word formation of Police Lexicon in Albanian Language. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(7), 05-10.







Word formation, police lexicon, prefixation, suffixation, compositions