Research Article

Translation Problems Analysis of Students’ Academic Essay


  • Novriyanto Napu Department of English Education, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia


Translators should be able to deliver the intended meaning written in the source language to the target language without changing the purpose of the source text at all (Waldorf: 2013). The initial observation in this study found that most of the beginning translator students in translation class tend to translate without reading the whole text first and often render the text word for word. As a result, problems in the translation are often inevitable in students’ writing due to the inadequate strategies of translation. This study aims to investigate the translation problems on students’ academic essay. The data of this study was obtained by the qualitative method. Mathieu (2003) translation issues’ theory is used to analyze the linguistics and non-linguistics problems found in students’ essay translation. The findings show that the translation problems involved several linguistic aspects, such as grammatical problems, lexicalchoice, rhetorical, and pragmatic problems.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (5)





How to Cite

Napu, N. . (2019). Translation Problems Analysis of Students’ Academic Essay. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(5), 01–11. Retrieved from



Translation Problems, Students, Academic Essays