Research Article

Studying with Technology


  • Sumaira Idrees Toor Prospective Student, M.A in Education, Virtual University


The lack of the proper use of technology among students of Dhofar University caught serious attention and led to this research. The main objective was to investigate the actual issue pertaining to the proper and advanced use of technological skills. Do the faculty and students realize that there is an issue? Will highlighting the issue change their attitudes and improve them in their technological skills after the practical implication of the skills taught to them? Would they continue using it further? were the main research questions of this research. A research questionnaire including both Y/N and open-ended questions was given to 21 students of Dhofar University ranging from all the different majors for an expressive feedback. The students’ response was overwhelmingly positive as expected. All of them agreed that there is a lacking support from the institution and student themselves are unaware of the new technological skills hence they do not achieve international standards of a Techno-Student. In order to cope with the issue not only a solution was recommended but also 6 students from Different majors of Dhofar University were in fact taught new technological skills and applications in accordance with Bloom’s Taxonomy model of learning so that they can incorporate the use of technology at each step of learning with ease, enthusiasm, full involvement and positive attitude attaining utmost creativity in their studies.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

1 (3)





How to Cite

Toor, S. I. . (2018). Studying with Technology. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 1(3), 05-12.







Technology, skill, learning, attitude, creativity, Bloom’s Taxonomy, feedback