Research Article

An Analysis of Political Implications in Animal Farm from the Perspective of New Historicism


  • Shilin Xiao College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


George Orwell is a famous writer in the 20th century in England, especially known for his humanitarian spirit. Among his sharply written works, Animal Farm is of significant value to focus our attention on. This political allegory successfully creates a set of animal images, with some certain hidden meaning of political life. New Historicism offers readers another perspective to reorient into the context behind the text itself and reconsider the intertextuality between history and texts. Montrose proposes two concepts, “textuality of history” and “historicity of texts.” In the light of the two key concepts, this paper aims to take a descriptive approach to the political implications in Animal Farm with a focus on the close relationship between history and texts.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (3)





How to Cite

Xiao, S. (2022). An Analysis of Political Implications in Animal Farm from the Perspective of New Historicism. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(3), 102–107.



Animal Farm, New Historicism, political implications, textually of history, historicity of texts