Article contents
University Students’ Attitudes towards the Relevance of Soft Skills for Education and Career Achievement: Moulay Ismail University as a Study Case
Proper soft skills occupy a key role in realizing a prosperous career as well as during social collaborations in society. These skills are also extremely required by employers hiring new alumni. The central target of this survey is to explore students’ insights on the importance of soft skills for their education and employment. A questionnaire will be designed as the major data collection procedure and will be administered to university students at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences as well as the faculty of Sciences at Moulay Ismail University in order to elicit as much feedback as possible. Besides, the major hypothesis of this study is to find out whether soft skills are useful for social integration and career advancement and whether they contribute considerably to students’ academic performance. In addition to this, this paper will be suggesting certain measures for improving the soft skills of students, which may also help improve their employment perspectives.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
5 (1)
Open access

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