Research Article

Paraphrase Strategy in Audiovisual Translation: A Multimodal Approach of English Indonesian Subtitles


  • Detty Mulyani Asterina Student of Master’s Degree in Translation Studies, English Department, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali Lecturer of Master’s Degree in Translation Studies, English Department, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia


In audiovisual translation, the multimodality of audiovisual textual content is each a project and a useful resource for subtitlers. This paper illustrates how multimodes provide facts that help subtitlers gain a better understanding of meaning-making practices so that it will impact them to make decision-making in translating a sure verbal textual content. Subtitlers may also restate the texts based on the multi-modes as visible on the visual frames. Subtitlers ought to don't forget the distribution and integration of multi-mode meanings, which will create complete equivalence between the supply and target texts. Paraphrasing is restating or writing the which means of the other's thoughts. In paraphrasing, there are numerous techniques, such as alternating a word from one part of speech to another, alternate numbers and possibilities to special bureaucracy, trading word order, using special definition systems, using exceptional attribution signals, alternating the sentence structure and using one of a kind connecting phrases, and lots of extras. The target of this have look was to discover a way to use paraphrasing techniques within the film The Greatest Showman through audiovisual translation the use of a multimodal approach in English with Indonesian subtitles. For the functions of this observation, researchers used descriptive analytical studies, particularly qualitative and quantitative methods. The data used is a random sampling technique that was explored descriptively. Excerpts of visual frames in this paper are taken from the English film The Greatest Showman (musical drama, 2017).

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Asterina, D. M., & Ali, A. J. K. N. (2022). Paraphrase Strategy in Audiovisual Translation: A Multimodal Approach of English Indonesian Subtitles. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(1), 94-100.







Paraphrase Strategy, Multimodal Approach, Subtitles, Audio Visual