Research Article

Deconstruction of the Other Side of Midun's Protagonist in Novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Tulis Sutan Sati: Jaques Derrida's Deconstruction Discourse Analysis



Deconstruction is a form of a refutation of assumptions that have been considered true. This study aims to deconstruct the protagonist Midun in the novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Tulis Sutan Sati that the protagonist is not always true because this novel has a dominant protagonist. Actually, behind the characterization of the protagonist, there are other characters inherent in the character that should not focus on one domination which is considered the focal point of truth. This research uses the critical analysis method with the Derrida deconstruction approach, initiated by Jacques Derrida. This study uses text analysis methods and techniques to understand the characters of Midun in the Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Tulis Sutan Sati. Although it often appears in the literary space, that is, in a story, there are protagonists and antagonists, even though each character is a character, there is no specificity between the protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist has a different side or a bad character, and vice versa. The antagonist character also has a good character. The results showed that the main protagonist, Midun has other characters that are not good.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Indriana, A. Z., & Wiyatmi. (2022). Deconstruction of the Other Side of Midun’s Protagonist in Novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Tulis Sutan Sati: Jaques Derrida’s Deconstruction Discourse Analysis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(1), 73-79.







Derrida's deconstruction, the other side of the character