Research Article

Peer Correction Technique in Encouraging the Indonesian EFL Learners to Write Compositions


  • Rafiah Nur English Language Education Department of Graduate Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, Indonesia


In writing an essay, a writer is demanded to consider several essential aspects of writing. They are mechanics, contents, coherence, organization, grammar, and vocabulary (Harmer, 2001, p.  88). Because of these demands on writing an essay, learners who are training their writing skills may face various problems in the process of writing an essay.  Moreover, it is important to notice that many ESL students consider writing as hard and become suspicious when faced with writing assignments; thus, they often refuse to take time to write (Rankin-Brown, 2006). This research aims to discover how peer correction helps students find and reduce their mistakes in composing a recount text. This research used a quasi-experimental method. The population was the students of senior high school in Sidrap regency, Indonesia. The total population was 178 students from seven classes, and this research assigned two groups, namely experimental and control groups. The sample was selected by using a cluster random sampling technique. This research found that the students experienced some difficulties in arranging paragraphs and using grammar. They made many mistakes in their writings in terms of grammar, diction, coherence, organization, and they also lacked vocabulary. The problem is that they did not realize or do not know the mistakes that they have produced. By applying the peer correction technique, the students may experience the four elements in the writing process. The peer correction technique will facilitate the students to know either the strengths and the weaknesses they have made. This technique also helps them identify what was missing from their drafts so they can make corrections, revisions, and improvements to their writings. In addition, students with their partners could exchange their writing to verify the organization in writing. The research concluded that using peer correction technique is sufficient to reduce the students' mistakes in writing recount text of senior high school students in Sidrap, Indonesia.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (10)





How to Cite

Nur, R. (2021). Peer Correction Technique in Encouraging the Indonesian EFL Learners to Write Compositions. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(10), 189–199.



Peer-correction, writing skill, Indonesian EFL learners