Research Article

Translating The Difference in The Land of An African Sultan by Walter B. Harris


  • Soufiane Laachiri Researcher, Abdelmalik Essaadi University, Morocco


The present article focuses on the discursive translation of colonial knowledge as a set of complex statements of power and exclusion in  Harris’ The Land of An African Sultan. This discursive process of translation acts as a continuum for the main foundations upon which   post colonial consciousness, as articulated by such third world critics as Edward Said, Homi Bhabha and Gayatri Spevak, is generically based.The book is also a scientific encyclopedia which highlights a historical era with all its political and military events. It also describes the Moroccan society, its people, its political regime, its Zawaya, its culture, its customs and beliefs, its climate and geography, its architecture and landscape, its races, and even its demons. In so doing,Harris was paving the way for European imperialism through his constant descriptions  and representations of  the Moroccan other.His travels throughout the entire country as a traveler, and his reports about that as a journalist of  The Times have explained the close     relationship between Colonialism and travel writing. This relationship, being  mutually a sustained way to create images of vacant spaces over time and place,  highlights  settlement in, and improvement of ‘primitive’ lives which were viewed as ‘uncivilized’. It also  justifies the colonial enterprise which came to escalate development  of the colonized land and work for the welfare of its peoples . In this dual process of interaction,  translation plays significant roles.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (8)





How to Cite

Laachiri, S. (2021). Translating The Difference in The Land of An African Sultan by Walter B. Harris. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(8), 19-22.







The Land of An African Sultan, Walter B. Harris