Article contents
Language Errors in Editing a Manuscript in Indonesian Language
Editing is the process of correcting language expressions in a manuscript before it is published. Editing can change a word, phrase, clause, or sentence into the same sentence unit or another. Even editing can also change sentences into paragraphs or vice versa. The most important thing in editing is correcting language errors to become appropriate and standard language expressions. Meanwhile, before it became a published book, the manuscript went through a reasonably strict editing process, both in language and content. This study looks at the changes from a book manuscript to a manuscript ready to be published. Many changes have occurred to correct language errors caused by writing due to typos, misunderstandings, or false disclosures, causing non-standard or incomprehensible. This analysis uses the theory of Dulay (1982), which states that language errors can be categorized into errors due to omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering. However, other errors were also quite influential in writing, namely, typing errors (typo). The present study found that the most common type of error was the addition, followed by misinformation, typo, misordering and the least was omission. A typo error is a common error that may occur when typing in Indonesian because until now. There is no spelling check application on a computer written in Indonesian.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
4 (8)
Copyright (c) 2021 Dedy Setiawan, Wastu K. Purbandini
Open access

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