Article contents
Language-related Episodes Patterns Engendered in L2 Classrooms: Pedagogical Translation Tasks Versus Monolingual Writing Tasks
This classroom-based longitudinal study examines the language-related episodes (LREs) engendered by pedagogical translation tasks and monolingual tasks. Specifically, the study investigated the discourse features and discussion patterns of LREs yielded in discussions of the two different types of tasks in L2 classrooms. The present study was conducted in an authentic class environment and consisted of two experiments. One group participated in class discussions after being assigned L1-L2 translation tasks, while the other took part in class discussions after working on L2 writing tasks. The LREs elicited in the two group’s class discussions over ten sessions of class discussions were scrutinized. Inductive thematic analysis shows that LREs produced in the concerned experimental tasks included ‘concern-based LREs’ and six different types of ‘response-based LREs’. Striking difference was observed in LRE patterns produced by the translation group and the writing group. The findings revealed that pedagogical translation tasks engendered LREs with deeper level of engagement and more enduring discussions than L2 monolingual tasks. The concern-based and response-based LREs arisen in this study contributes to a new framework for LRE categorization.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
4 (5)
Open access

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