Research Article

An Investigation of Using Audio-Visual Aids in the EFL Classes in Libya: A Case Study of Kufrah Secondary Schools


  • Ahmed Sanoussi Himeda Al Jawad Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts & Science Kufrah, Benghazi University, Libya


This study investigates the use of audio-visual aids in the EFL classes in Libyan secondary schools. Specifically, it aims to determine how audio-visual aids could work as an excellent motivational instrument for teachers and students in Kufrah secondary schools. Two sets of questionnaires were administered to teachers and students to clarify the needed information. Kufrah secondary schools were chosen for the survey study. 80 students, and 20 teachers were randomly selected. Through the questionnaires made by the researcher, the data was collected, organized and analysed using statistical techniques like percentages. The results of the study revealed that the use of audio-visual aids to develop EFL students seemed to be effective, as indicated by the teachers and students. The results also showed fewer teacher training opportunities in schools and restricted administrative support. The researcher recommends appropriate teacher training, adequate audio-visual equipment and material, and needed administrative support to ensure the optimum use of audio-visual aids, ensuring the learner's maximum benefit.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Al Jawad, A. S. H. . (2021). An Investigation of Using Audio-Visual Aids in the EFL Classes in Libya: A Case Study of Kufrah Secondary Schools. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(3), 192–200.



Teaching EFL, Secondary Schools, Audio Visual Aids, Libyan Context