Research Article

Complying and Coping: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived Experiences of College Students Studying During the COVID-19 Outbreak Lockdown


  • Regina Chriscel S. Delute MA Ed, College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines
  • Jhune Carlo S. Ada MA Ed, College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines


The COVID-19 outbreak resulted in the sudden shift from on-campus class to remote learning using different ways, but mainly through the use of the internet to deliver instruction and submit the requirements. While the news is full of statistics about the COVID-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths, not much has been written about the plight of students during the pandemic. This study looked into the lived experiences of the five education students enrolled in Batangas State University learning on their own at home during the time of the Luzonwide lockdown in the Philippines. This phenomenological research utilized voice calls (Messenger) in getting data from the participants. In analyzing the data, the researchers identified the frequent words or phrases, categorized the responses, then identified the themes. Four themes emerged from the interviews: students partook in asynchronous learning for grades; remote education during a pandemic affords students’ stress and anxiety; students prefer in-face classes over distance learning; and they have insufficient technology. The study concluded with the understanding that the sudden implementation of distance learning, the student-participants view this mode of learning as a means to comply and to cope with the set standards given the available measures and resources. The student-participants are able to experience the truly independent and individual manner of learning. Participants need to adjust to the new mode of learning, for they are still in the traditional face to face mode of delivery of learning and education and Resources and means to connect are the major concerns of students especially those in the remote areas both the region and nearby provinces.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Delute , R. C. S. ., & Ada , J. C. S. . (2021). Complying and Coping: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived Experiences of College Students Studying During the COVID-19 Outbreak Lockdown. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(3), 183–191.



COVID-19, remote education, remote teaching, phenomenological research