Research Article

The Study of the Coherence of English Learning Strategies Used for Understanding Science Modules by Science Students in the EFL Reading Process


  • Kritchada Ruangnoi Ph.D. Students, University of Sains Malaysia; Director of Excellent Academic School, Hat – Yai, Songkhla, South of Thailand
  • Jarinya Srimanee Lecturer of English, College of Industrial Technology and Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Mohamad Jafre Bin Zainol Abidin Lecturer of English, College of Industrial Technology and Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., School of Educational Studies, University of Sains Malaysia


This study investigates the effectiveness of reading strategies employed by Thai EFL lower secondary students of the scientific ability program at one private and two government secondary schools in Thailand's southern province. The study integrated cognitive, metacognitive, determination, social, and memory strategies into the reading treatment. The results are expected to enhance the student’s regulation in applying the reading strategies instruction techniques.  The study's participants were thirty Thai EFL students from Grade 7 in a government secondary school in southern Thailand. The data were analyzed and interpreted quantitatively and qualitatively. The training program consisted of five reading strategies, eight scientific reading modules, and a variety of enriching and engaging activities. Therefore, the thematic analysis of the interview data revealed overall satisfaction and enhanced students and teachers’ positive attitudes towards Science in English and the benefits of using reading for developing a Science curriculum.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Ruangnoi , K. ., Srimanee , J. ., & Abidin , M. J. B. Z. . (2021). The Study of the Coherence of English Learning Strategies Used for Understanding Science Modules by Science Students in the EFL Reading Process. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(3), 171-182.







Reading Strategies, EFL, Scientific Reading, Reading comprehension