Article contents
Exploring the Role of Cultural Schemata in Bridging the Gap between People
This study aims to investigate the hypothesis proposing "Cultural schemata to bridge the gap between the people of different origins". The researchers have adopted the quantitative and qualitative methods as well as the questionnaire (50) and interview (10) as the tools for collecting data relevant to the study. It is an attempt to bring to the light the importance of cultural schemata in bridging the gap between the people. The sample of this study is comprised of (50) + (10) people who did not share the same cultural background and they were descended from different cultural background. The marks obtained from the questionnaire and interviews were compared. The results have revealed that the cultural schemata play a great role in bridging the gap between the people positively. Accordingly, the results have shown that there are strong equivalences among the people who descended from different cultural background. As a result, more space should be given to those people to bridge the gap between themselves and others in terms of social interaction, transferring the meaning of lexicons of concerned people’s language, strengthening the relationship and knowledge of the world.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
4 (2)
Open access

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