Article contents
The Impact of Technology Term to Language Interference: The Use of English Language Term in Students' Daily Conversation
This research aims to identify the types of interference and factor of interference. The object of this research is the daily conversations of the students at a University in Indonesia. The research focused on English interference that occurs in Javanese Language and Indonesian Language in everyday conversation. Data is obtained by observation attentively method and participatory observation techniques. The data is analyzed by the equivalent technique. It is described in a basic technique by translational competence-in-dividing. The determinant tools are other languages namely Indonesian and Javanese. The results of the data analysis are presented in an informal method. The results of the study showed that the interference found in the daily conversation of students. It occurred in the types of morphology and lexicology. In the type of morphology, interference occurs in the use of Javanese and Indonesian language patterns in its formation. As for the type of lexicology, interference is caused by the use of English vocabulary used in Indonesian and Javanese. The factor of emergence of interference is caused by language contact, the term from the influence of technological progress, and the prestige of the source language and language style. The influence of technological progress is the most impacting factor.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
2 (3)
Copyright (c) 2019
Open access

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