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The Conceptualization of Immigration in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake
This paper attempts to analyse the metaphorical representation of immigration in Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake (2003). It aims to explore the way in which the process of immigration is conceptualized in terms of experiences from other domains. Lahiri as the second generation of immigrants is brought up in the family that experienced the process of immigration. However, the notion of immigration among Lahiri’s critics is explored, but a few number of researches approached its metaphorical language, whereas the current paper investigates immigration in terms of the stylistic investigation of immigration metaphors in the light of cognitive approach. This study also examines the mapping process, which is used to conceptualize immigration in the novel. It applies insights from Conceptual Metaphor Theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson to the linguistic expression that underlie conceptual metaphors that are selected from the novel. In addition, it identifies all the source domains that are used in the selected expressions to represent the target domain of immigration, through the mapping process. The immigration process in Lahiri’s The Namesake is compared to ‘ sort of lifelong pregnancy’, ‘perpetual wait’, ‘ constant burden’, ‘free’, and ‘ packing a pillow and a blanket’. The selection of the conceptual metaphor theory provides a deeper understanding of the way the process of immigration is represented.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
4 (1)
Copyright (c) 2020
Open access

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