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Qur’anic Scholarships in Post-Colonial Lagos: A Study of Contributions of Shaykh Adam ‘Abdullah al-Ilory (1917-1992)
Islam, perhaps hardly been found in any area without existing of Islamic education and Lagos was no exception. Therefore, the advent of Islam in Lagos has resulted to the spread of Arabic-Islamic education everywhere. The Qur’anic education, which is the essential part of Islam started immediately by an informal method. Later, during the Post-Colonial era, the Qur’anic education witnessed tremendous development and growth by of one the often-acclaimed greatest Islamic scholars called Shaykh Adam Abdullah al-Ilory, who situated his Arabic school; Arabic and Islamic Training in Agege area of Lagos, as Quranic Center. So, it is the interest of this paper to assess his contributions to the Qur’anic scholarship, highlights some challenges and provides useful suggestions for the improvement. The research adopted descriptive and historical methods, which assist in presenting a comprehensive x-ray of his contributions to the Qur’anic education in Islam and Lagos society in particular.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
2 (7)
Copyright (c) 2019
Open access

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