Research Article

The Iterative Aspect of Adverbial Maker on Japanese


  • Annisa Nurul Jannah Student, Linguistics Departement, Sebelas Maret University,Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Sumarlam . Lecturer, Lecturer, Linguistics Department, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Dwi Purnanto Lecturer, Lecturer, Linguistics Department, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia


This research will discuss the aspect on phrase field which is marked by an adverb showing an iterative aspect. Aspect category that includes the time that is in the situation, is internal, and nondeiktik, such as being, already, and many times. This research will focus on iterative aspect, that is, aspect which shows a recurring situation. This study uses qualitative methods with the techniques for direct elements and two advanced techniques, namely the technique of fade and back technique. In this study it was found that iterative aspect at the phrase level seen from the word adverbial can be divided into two, that is, seen from a repetition situation with a high-frequency level and there is also a low-frequency level. In this study, there were eight adverbials which showed the meaning of iterative aspect. These adverbials are itsumo, zutto, shiba-shiba tabi-tabi, taitei which show the iterative aspect with a high degree of frequency, and mettani nai, toki-doki, and tamani which show the meaning of the iterative aspect with a low level of frequency. And in this study, we will show how the adverbial nature and structure in Japanese.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (7)





How to Cite

Jannah, A. N. ., ., S. ., & Purnanto, D. . (2019). The Iterative Aspect of Adverbial Maker on Japanese . International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(7), 59-66.







adverbial, aspect, iterative, Japanese