Article contents
Students’ Perception of Alternative Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review
Many studies have been conducted on the implementation of alternative assessments on students. However, this study is carried out to explore definitions, characteristics, and students’ perceptions of alternative assessment at university and school level. One hundred and seventeen (n=117) journal articles were searched through different search engines, and only twenty-six (n=24) recent and relevant publications published between years 2002 to 2018 were included in this study, and remaining are excluded. Among inclusions, there were ten (n=10) quantitative researches, six (n=6) qualitative, seven (n=7) mix-mode, and one (1) review paper. The overall respondents of the studies were two thousand eight hundred and seven (n=2807). Most of the studies were carried in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Bosnia, Thailand, and Egypt, and some of the studies were conducted in the USA, UK, Scotland, and Netherlands. The findings reveal that the learners have a positive perception of implementing the alternative assessment. Furthermore, the findings of some studies revealed that alternative assessment is preferable, while other researches indicated the alternative assessment favorably. Besides, some studies have suggested some recommendations for the implementation of alternative assessment.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
3 (4)
Copyright (c) 2020
Open access

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