Research Article

Oblivion of the Postmodern Human Being as a Pretext for their Ungratefulness


  • Zohreh Ramin Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran
  • Narjess Jafari Langroudi Ph.D Candidate of English Language and Literature, Iran


This paper aims at propounding oblivion as the real excuse for the ever-present suffering in oblivious human relations. Oblivion as selfishness intensifier is a move away from self-care which is going to be defined via David Foster Wallace’s narrative of Oblivion. Tracing the trajectory of phenomenological existentialism of Sartre and Heidegger as well as zen-like demeanor of Wallace will facilitate this study. The researchers are going to find the answer to this issue that how ‘self’ can neutralize the world malignancy with recourse to the therapeutic manner of literature? Human carelessness has direct relation with the quality of their soul weakness and can intensify weltschmerz. This study signifies that in human relations, oblivious humans throw their life drama on the other and this drama llama pressurizes even an authentic human to be surrounded by one’s own and other’s pseudo self. The circle of human relationship will be tainted with the dominant presence of humans with the syndrome of histrionic personality disorder whose soul craves for rebelliousness. Therefore, human beings must go through the requirement of a strong soul to experience the full appreciation of life with compliancy. Wallace intends that Weltschmerz of oblivion as the source and origin of dehumanization will control human destiny ad infinitum and will culminate in their deadly living which disables them of being neuter.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (4)





How to Cite

Ramin, Z. ., & Langroudi, N. J. . (2020). Oblivion of the Postmodern Human Being as a Pretext for their Ungratefulness. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(4), 165–174. Retrieved from



Esprit forte, Fausse l’esprit, Drama Ilama, Neuter, Oblivion, Weltschmerz