Research Article

The Representation(s) of Morocco in Elias Canetti’s The Voices of Marrakesh


  • Adil El Filali High School of Technology, Essaouira, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco


Elias Canetti’s (2009) the Voices of Marrakesh depicts a set of cultural features about Marrakesh city, Morocco. In such travel writing text, different are the issues of representation about the country which are discursively figured in negative perspectives. Relatedly, the gaze of the Westerner theoretically and practically helps target the extent to which the Moroccan landscape and identity are constructed. At this point, debates about the nature of concepts like the ‘civilized’, the ‘primitive’, and the ‘savage’ are very common and form the intellectual background for the travel writer. The dichotomy between center and periphery is highly examined in the present article since there are images or processes of decentralizing Morocco. Following post-colonial analytical approach, the current article problematizes the way the West represents Morocco and its cultural geography. Importantly, the article focuses on Moroccan geography which is given little if not no importance pretending that it is a deserted space where the uncivilized natives dwell. It serves nothing but fear and mystery. This paper serves as a basis for the readership to understand the way Morocco is portrayed by Canetti. By representing Morocco in different images, Canetti ideologically generates a socio-cultural discourse about Arabs and about Morocco in particular. By doing so, he confirms the fact that there is no innocent text including travel narrative.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (6)





How to Cite

El Filali, A. . (2020). The Representation(s) of Morocco in Elias Canetti’s The Voices of Marrakesh. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(6), 205-210.







Cultural features, decentralizing Morocco, identity, landscape