Research Article

Language Varieties of Woman's Conversation in Yutube Channel of Emma Watson in HeForShe Program: A Conversation Analysis Study


  • Ammang Latifa Associate Professor, English Department, Graduate Program of Muhammadiyah University of Parepare, Indonesia


Language and gender are always being exciting topics to be discussed because gender is not only about the difference between men and women based on sex, but this is about the roles and status that determine the position between men and women (Maciuszek et al., 2019). This research aims to find out some language varieties used by Emma Watson on her conversation in International women's day 2015 in HeForShe video YouTube. This research is descriptive qualitative, and to obtain the data, the researcher took the video about the conversation of Emma Watson in International women's day 2015 on YouTube channel then analyzed some language varieties. The result of this research found that there were four types of varieties of communication utilized by Emma to present her goals in the conversation. These varieties include rising intonation, intensifier, super polite form, and avoidance of strong swear words. The majority of the language variety is frequently used by Emma to show her feeling about her seriousness, her emotion, her empathy, and to firm her statement, especially about gender equality. The majority of Emma's utterances based on women's language varieties are used to show her emotion as well as her seriousness.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

Ammang Latifa. (2021). Language Varieties of Woman’s Conversation in Yutube Channel of Emma Watson in HeForShe Program: A Conversation Analysis Study. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(1), 221-227.







Language Varieties, woman' s conversation, conversation analysis